Friday, October 18

Sex story Passion of a Virgin with Jumbo Breasts

Jumbo Breasts. Medium build, average size, not tall, not short, not ugly, not good-looking, brown skin tends to be black and oily, because of the profession as a cart puller, the body posture becomes ideal without fitness, it is understandable that a cart puller uses more muscles than brain, so that inadvertently the muscles will build up by themselves. Warto’s working hours are from 3 pm to 12 am serving market traders carrying merchandise or buyers taking home shopping. Of the many Warto customers, there is a vegetable and spice trader named Narti who is very close to Warto because Warto’s cart base happens to be in front of the counter or rather Mbok Narti’s stall. Their business relationship is quite close to the point that Mbok Narti pays for the cart fare monthly.

Mbok Narti comes from one of the villages in Indramayu, her skin is dark, her face is sweet, with medium height but has a pair of ideal breasts that often make Mas Warto look at her with the corner of his eye, the size is quite steady around 34 or 35. Has a husband named Mas Tarsica who lives in the village taking care of the rice fields and ducks from selling Narti in the city.

Narti also realized that Warto often glanced at her, but she didn’t really care and even tended to be more daring to expose parts of her body that could invite Warto’s lust, in fact sometimes Warto and Narti’s gazes often met which finally they smiled at each other without understanding the meaning of the incident.

One morning Warto received a call from his uncle in the village who said that Bude Sakem needed money for medical treatment because she was sick. Bude Sakem was the person who raised Warto when her parents transmigrated to Lampung. Warto was indeed close to his other aunt because he wanted to repay her kindness. Warto was confused because he currently had no money. The money in his pocket was only enough for lunch later.

In his confusion, Warto remembered his relation in the market, Narti, he would try to borrow money from her, or at least he would try to ask for payment for the cart in advance so that he could immediately send the money to his sick aunt in the village. He rushed to Narti’s tenement house which was located behind the market where he traded. Narti’s rented house was a shabby tenement house made of plywood and painted on its side, tightly packed and overlapping one another. This tenement was indeed mostly inhabited by fellow traders in the market.

Not long after, Warto arrived at Narti’s tenement, the tenement was quiet because at this time, around 9 to 11, most of the residents went to the Kramat Jati main market to buy merchandise. Warto was a little worried, maybe Narti had also gone shopping at the main market.

Hesitantly, Warto tried to knock on Narti’s tenement door, it was quiet and there was no answer, Warto again became doubtful whether Narti was in the tenement. He tried knocking on the door again, there was still no answer, when Warto began to feel desperate, the voice of the resident next door was heard, an old grandmother, the mother of a trader in the market who Warto also knew said that Narti was taking a bath in the toilet near the prayer room about 25 meters from Narti’s plot.

“Just wait inside, sir, Miss Narti will be finished soon,” said Narti’s neighbor’s grandmother.

“Okay, grandma, I’ll just wait here,” answered Warto with his refined Javanese accent out of respect for the grandmother.

With a feeling of confusion, Warto waited for Narti, not long after Warto waited, he saw Narti walking half-running while covering her chest which looked like two twin hills because Narti was not wearing a towel but was wearing her thin nightgown, moreover half wet from the water when she took a bath in the toilet earlier.

”Hey there’s Warto, what’s up, you’re here, you need something from me” Narti chattered while still walking towards the door of her house
“Yes.. Miss.. I have something to do” Narti told Warto to go into her house, because she didn’t feel comfortable talking outside, she thought there was no way Warto would come to her house this early in the morning if he didn’t need something, especially since Narti saw Warto’s face looking sad.
“What’s up, Mas, he seems sad” Narti asked
“I need money, my aunt in the village is sick, she asked me to send money for medical expenses”, Warto’s eyes couldn’t leave the very clear chest print on Narti’s chest.

Damn, when I’m confused, my eyes keep looking at “my milk” Narti thought.

“What’s wrong” Narti tried to convince him, without trying to cover her milk prints like before when she ran from the toilet to her plot.

She thought that Mas Warto often looked at her when she was trading.

“I don’t know, but they asked me to send money for medical treatment, ma’am, can I ask for the cart payment for next month, ma’am” with a half-bow Warto expressed his intention to Narti.
“Ma’am Warto, how much do you need?” Narti asked
“Yes, just the amount of my wages, ma’am, 185 thousand” Warto answered while still looking down.
“Wait a minute, ma’am” Narti moved behind the curtain of her room, wondering what Warto would do

For a moment Warto was able to look at the objects in Narti’s plot, a thermos, 2 glass cups that were no longer clear, a shabby mattress and a small radio and a cellphone changer still attached to the socket. And what was that, a bra and panties with laces starting to unravel belonging to Narti hanging on the clothesline inside the clothesline, probably embarrassed to be dried outside.

Warto recognized the bra because it was often used by Narti. “Here, sir, 200 thousand, I’ll give you the money, and I’ll help you who’s been hit by a disaster, hopefully Bude Sakem will get well soon” Narti’s voice surprised Warto who was browsing around Narti’s clothesline.
“Oh, thank you, miss” Warto’s eyes shone because Narti was willing to help him.

“I’m leaving this money with Yanto, a ketoprak seller from my village who happens to be going home this afternoon”.
“Okay, hurry up, or Yanto won’t be here soon” said Narti
“Without further ado, Warto immediately went to Yanto’s house, the ketoprak seller who’s going home.

”Yan… I’m leaving this for my sick aunt Sakem 190 thousand rupiah, 10 thousand to cover your expenses, and also to say hello and say I can’t go home yet” It was a habit in Warto’s neighborhood, to leave money for each other when a relative, neighbor or friend was going home. Yanto had also left money for Warto several times. Indeed, they did not know about bank transfers.

“Okay, I’ll tell To… you don’t need to be confused, I hope nothing happens” said Yanto.

“Thank you careful.” Warto said while asking permission from his friend who had agreed to accept the money he had left for his sick aunt in the village.

Aunt Sakem’s face came back to mind, a calm face that was willing to take care of him and consider him as a child, a face full of peace. How his aunt taught him every night, how his aunt accompanied him when he ate, everything came back to mind. But because of his age, he is currently lying weak in the village.

Suddenly his memory returned to Narti, he had not said anything to her let alone thank her after she became his guardian deity. Warto returned to Narti’s map, to express his gratitude for the help she had given.

Not long after Warto had arrived in front of Narti’s map, Warto immediately barged in without knocking first. Warto was wide-eyed seeing the scene inside, at that time Narti was drying her body with a thin housedress as a substitute for a towel. Narti only used a towel to cover her genitals, while her two twin hills were covered by a white bra that had tended to be cream that seemed unable to contain its contents. Warto never imagined that Narti’s breasts were so beautiful, big, white and still like those of a single person, maybe because they were rarely touched by her husband

They were both amazed, Warto stared at the sight while Narti was silent for a thousand words because she didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly their eyes met each other, staring at each other still without a sound, at that time the instinct as a human spoke, Warto approached while Narti remained silent without a word, while Warto’s lips began to approach even very close to Narti’s forehead.
Narti felt Warto’s lustful breath, finally she felt a soft kiss land on her forehead, she closed her eyes not knowing whether to enjoy it or what to do for a while, because of the softness of Warto’s kiss, her lust began to be disturbed, especially after Warto’s kiss went down to her cheek then continued down tracing until it reached her lips.

Warto’s kiss was very warm, a kiss that she had not felt for a long time, Warto’s tongue was agile playing in her mouth which inevitably invited her desire to serve Warto’s tongue and lip play.

Warto’s right hand began to explore Narti’s back which was indeed not wrapped in anything, only a bra strap still hanging there, he gently rubbed Narti’s back and buttocks, then his left hand began to explore Narti’s stomach, causing an indescribable sensation for its owner

Ehhhh…………..Narti murmured enjoying the rubbing and caressing and kissing of Warto’s lips, plus Warto’s left hand was getting closer to her two twin hills which were still wrapped in a bra, the sensation felt was getting more enjoyable. Warto’s right hand went up from her buttocks to the hook of Narti’s bra strap and with a gentle touch, the bra was released and slid down until it was held back by the towel covering Narti’s genitals.

Warto saw Narti’s two twin hills which were now freely hanging without any obstructions. Warto became more enthusiastic from the beginning of rubbing, caressing then now it had reached the stage of squeezing, whatever he squeezed, Narti’s buttocks, stomach, hips and breasts did not escape his squeezing. This made Narti even more helpless, she was completely intoxicated by the lust aroused by Warto, her regular cart puller. She no longer remembered her husband in the village, she forgot everything.

Little by little Warto pushed Narti’s body towards Narti’s shabby mattress which only obeyed Warto’s body’s push until she lowered her body and sat on the mattress. Warto followed Narti’s movements towards the bed, his mouth now playing agilely with Narti’s nipples. As if not satisfied with just kissing and sucking it, his left hand also helped squeeze Narti’s twin hills.

With Warto’s push, now Narti’s body was lying on the mattress without a chest cover, only a towel that was no longer able to cover her genitals because it was exposed by the friction of their bodies.

Narti’s habit, after taking a shower she only used a towel to cover her most valuable belongings without underwear, while her chest was only wrapped in a bra (it would be better if the bra was good). She often did this kind of dressing habit while doing activities on her map.

This kind of habit made it easier for Warto to do his actions. He kissed Narti’s lips again, who had been waiting for Warto’s next action. The surge of lust he felt immediately swept everything away. Her status as the wife of Tarsica, a farmer and duck keeper in the village, he no longer remembered. Moreover, Warto’s right hand began to open the only shabby towel that he still wore to cover his genitals. With one pull, Warto saw Narti’s genitals in front of him, thick black pubic hair looked messy and unkempt covering Narti’s vagina lips. The reflection of sunlight that penetrated through the gaps in Narti’s cell walls helped provide lighting for Warto to observe Narti’s genitals for a moment. He was amazed by Narti’s genitals that looked protruding, just like apem cake with perfect dough.

Narti was a little embarrassed to see Warto looking at her vagina as if he wanted to see it all, Narti’s hands could not stop reaching for the bulge in Warto’s crotch which had been demanding to be touched, for a moment Warto was shocked when Narti’s hand landed on his genitals, but it didn’t last long, because the pleasure and sensation he felt was very overwhelming, especially since Narti started trying to put her hand into Warto’s pants. Warto couldn’t wait to immediately pull down his pants and his underwear, so that the pleasure he felt would be even more pronounced. The shirt with the symbol of a certain party candidate that he was wearing was also not forgotten by him to remove

Besides that, Warto’s lust had also increased, finally who knows who started it, Warto who was enthusiastic about pressing Narti’s body, or Narti who couldn’t wait to pull Warto’s body to immediately press down and insert his genitals into her vagina. Narti’s hands remained on Warto’s genitals to immediately guide him towards her vaginal hole, For a moment Warto rubbed his genitals against Narti’s vagina.

Narti lifted her buttocks high, Warto thrust his genitals in… blesss…blessssssssssssss… Narti bit her lip feeling the pleasure of Warto’s genitals sliding into her genitals which had not been touched by her husband for a long time because he had not returned to his village for a long time. Usually he comes home twice or three times a month, but for the past two months he has not been able to go home, because the market is busy approaching the election.

Almost all of Warto’s genitals are buried in Narti’s vagina, for a moment they are silent, each feeling the pleasure of having sex. For Warto this is the most indescribable pleasure he has ever felt, because so far it’s only been soap, but because he has watched blue films several times with fellow cart pullers, or the experience of peeping at neighbors around the place where he rents a house and because of his instincts he can play the role well.

After a few moments Warto began to move his body up and down on Narti’s body, the splashing sound of their genitals colliding and the snorts of both of their breaths added to the sensation for them. The morning atmosphere approaching noon, where the sun seemed to be starting to rise, increased the temperature in Narti’s plot and at the same time increased their passion. Indeed, around Narti’s map at hours like this it felt quieter, because most of the children were struggling with school activities, while their parents, who were mostly traders in the market, were shopping for their merchandise, at most only a few children who had not yet gone to school were staying at home or like the grandmother who told Warto that Narti was in her map.

Mas…mas..mas… ehm..ehh..ehh Narti’s moans became more erratic, this further spurred Warto’s passion, from slow then medium then fast repeatedly Warto thrust his penis into Narti’s vagina. began to respond to Narti’s moans accompanied by his snorts like a ketaton bull.

Warto felt Narti lifting her body higher and moving her head left and right faster coupled with her increasingly erratic moans, indicating that the peak of her passion would soon be reached. Bro…bro..I..I..ahhhhhhhh. finally Narti’s lava of lust and pleasure erupted. Both of her legs pulled Warto’s body tightly to press her body while screaming softly indicating the indescribable pleasure.

While Warto also began to feel his desire would soon be fulfilled, with maximum speed he pushed his body up and down on Narti’s body who looked helpless after experiencing orgasm. Sweat poured down her black body I’m coming out mba…ahhhh. It was unimaginable the pleasure Warto felt, felt from the tips of his toes while he felt it to the crown of his head, for a moment he was silent while still pressing on Narti’s body who also enjoyed Warto’s sperm spray in her womb. Warto’s breath was erratic, all his energy was drained at the end of the game.

Both of them looked limp, after enjoying their game, Narti looked silent while Warto didn’t know what to say. Finally both of them fell asleep with their bodies still naked without a single thread.

Narte…Narte….Narte… Narti faintly heard someone calling her name, between conscious and unconscious like dreaming. Narte…Narte….Narte heard a call again with a thick Batak accent, both of them woke up, Narti was shocked and so was Warto.

After repeating it several times, Narti finally woke up and opened the door of her apartment, wearing casual clothes, namely a long jarik cloth that was usually used to carry her merchandise, apparently it was Butet who came to collect the daily installment money that Narti owed him. Butet was like a mobile bank in the market where Narti traded, she lent money to traders and paid in installments every day, week or month depending on the agreement, don’t ask about the amount of interest, it was definitely bigger than the bank, but traders preferred to go to Butet than to the bank, because the procedure was easy, fast and did not require an ID card, family card and pay slip (he..he.. experience with credit at the bank).

She handed Butet Rp. 15,000.

“You’re sleeping in the middle of the day like this,” Butet exclaimed, still with a thick Batak accent.

Narti just smiled as she closed the door again, leaving Butet confused.

“Bah… you’re so lazy,” Butet grumbled.

It was different with Narti, for a moment she returned to the place where they fought earlier, on her thin mattress she no longer found Warto, but only a shabby and wrinkled shirt with the legislative candidate’s symbol, where on earth was Warto. Before Narti’s confusion had disappeared, Warto appeared from behind a plastic cupboard with a flower picture that had holes here and there belonging to Narti. Apparently Warto was hiding there when Butet came earlier, he was afraid that if Butet saw him on Narti’s lap, things would be a mess.

Narti looked at Warto who appeared from behind the cupboard half-naked and realized the condition of his body which was still without any covering except for his jarik. Only then did she realize what had happened, she had betrayed her husband, had given something that she should only give to her husband not to Warto, she lowered her head while crying.

While Warto didn’t know what to do,

“I’m sorry miss… I’m sorry, that’s all that came out of Warto’s mouth. Narti still lowered her head while crying, both of her hands placed on her thighs. “You’re not wrong Warto, I’m the one who’s wrong”. Both of them fell silent again.

Warto tried to rebuild the stiff atmosphere by approaching Narti and stroking her hair, Warto did that very gently, repeatedly his hands stroking Narti’s hair, shoulders and the back of Narti’s body who was sitting slumped on the floor.

“I apologize miss” Warto said softly again.

Narti dropped her head on Warto’s chest while holding her head and saying the same thing she said earlier.

“We’re both guilty Warto” she added.

Narti’s lips were so sexy when she said that in Warto’s eyes, he really wanted to kiss those sexy lips, but he was still hesitant because Narti was still shedding tears. While the caress of Warto’s hands on her head, shoulders and back of her body again disturbed Narti’s lust which had not been touched by her husband for a long time. Satan continued to tease whispering words of lust to both of them.

Finally Warto could not stand the atmosphere, he confidently kissed Narti’s lips, especially since he felt a reaction on Narti’s lips and body, Warto was getting bolder rubbing the back of her body to behind her ears, inevitably reawakening Narti’s sexual desire, she slightly shifted to the left straightening her body until she was facing Warto while still receiving stimulation from Warto’s lips, her hands began to look for what she should do, looking for something in Warto’s crotch which had indeed been awakened again and ready to act.

Tense and hard and shiny on the head for a moment he stole a glance when Warto kissed her lips. Warto was a little surprised and lifted his buttocks slightly when Narti’s hand touched his genitals. Now his kiss was no longer on Narti’s lips but on her cheek then down to her neck and arrived at the top of Narto’s chest, continuing down between Narti’s two twin hills, his left hand reached for Narti’s left breast while his mouth kissed Narti’s right nipple softly while licking and biting gently.

Narti pushed her body forward while her left hand pressed Warto’s head and thrust both of her breasts. Warto’s face sank into Narti’s chest, while Narti’s hands gripped Warto’s penis harder while continuing to move her hands up and down rubbing and shaking Warto’s penis. They did this for a while, until finally Narti’s voice was heard

“bro…bro…bro Warto now, I can’t stand it”. Narto pushed Narti’s body onto the thin mattress with his head still on Narti’s breasts, which followed Warto’s movements sleeping with her.

Warto’s penis which was already maximally erect while Narti’s vagina had been soaking wet since Warto’s hands had touched it occasionally, it was easy for Warto to insert his penis into Narti’s vagina, he felt warmth spreading through his genitals. Pausing for a moment, then moving forward and backward rhythmically Warto thrust into Narti. While Narti was enjoying it so much, the jarik cloth that had covered her body had disappeared, she really enjoyed Warto’s thrusts into her vagina, then… then… then… ahh..ahh, she moaned irregularly.

The passion that Warto aroused through his penis, kisses on the lips and breasts and rubbing behind the ear and the sweet whispers spoken by Warto made Narti closer to the peak of pleasure, ahh..ahh..ahhh..I want to s … Ahhhhhhh ….at the same time they reached their lustful desires, their breaths were racing wildly while sweat poured from both of their bodies, Warto was still pressing down on Narti’s body, when he realized that he had to work immediately pulling his vegetable cart, while Narti also realized that she had to immediately open her stall. Finally, time stopped their battle before leaving Narti’s plot, Warto still managed to kiss Narti’s lips and rub her breasts. While Narti smiled while holding both of her breasts, presenting them to Warto as if challenging him.

Since that incident, they have repeated it several times whenever they had the chance, sometimes in Narti’s plot, sometimes at Warto’s place, they even did it on the railroad tracks behind the central market while still dressed.

Once upon a time, Narti’s passion was so intense, coincidentally the market was starting to get quiet because it was already 1 in the morning, she sent a short message to Warto to meet her at the “usual” place…

To be continued…

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